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Account type
This account type available for Freelance Models, Artists (Photographers, Makeup Artists, etc.), Entertainers or any Independent service providers in the Fashion & Media Industry.
You can add ONE profile in every category, but please dont try to add more than one profile in the same category, because we will reject that request.
The account type allows you to "Add Multiple Profiles" after logging into the site.
You can add more profile in every categories, but duplicated profile not allowed!
The account type allows you to "Add a Profile" after logging into the site.
You can add ONE profile in a category, but please dont try to add more than one profile in the same category, because we will reject that request.
This account type best fits for Individuals/Companies whom looking for Models, Artists, Entertainers or any service providers in the Fashion & Entertainment Industry.

You are able to add Work Offers in the Auditions/Casting Calls category.

- Add Works/Auditions/Casting Calls
- Subscribe to Newsletter
- Add Profiles to Favorites
- Add Alerts about New Profiles
The account type allows you to Add Promoted Ads only.
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